What drives happiness in a person’s life? It is simply a state of mind when the happenings of the past, the future outcomes, and the stress of keeping up with today don’t have a greater impact on how you feel.
Many a time, we confuse happiness with comfort and peace. Sometimes simpler things are harder to understand.
Having a purpose in life and every action holds profound significance.
A joyful life has had many trials, a lot of failed attempts and enormous situations when dusting off was the only option.
There would be many things going wrong and many others going right but what creates a difference is how you perceive it!
The reality is that there’s no meaningful action without a purpose. It might be ok if you don’t know where do you want to go, but when you know what purpose you have in mind while following a journey, things are clearer.
Happiness is in knowing how many lives will have an effect coming from your actions.
No matter how self-driven your journey is, it will always have an impact on others. Sometimes the circle is small, and the other times it is a bit large.
Many research has shown the relativity of happiness from meaningful actions. Taking time to reflect on the activities and find meaning in them is a considerable attempt to define the purpose.
The ‘why’ behind thoughts, and then the process of converting that ‘why’ into ‘for’ redefines the purpose behind actions.
How do purposeful actions drive the way for happiness?
Happiness is contentment, and contentment is in knowing yourself and the vision with which you strive for excellence in thoughtful actions.
Purposeful actions have a plethora of emotions, and happiness is one of them.
There is purpose in every action, and when you are able to determine that for yourself, you are in a state of being in harmony with everything around you.
Without purpose, you end up graving on petty things that don’t even have relativity in your life.
Happiness is in knowing that your deeds are serving far more than what lingers around you, and that is assured only through purpose. You might not do it in the best way, but if you know the reason behind what you do, there’s no one better. Find the purpose before you are ready to conquer it.