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Don’t let tough times stop you! Personal growth comes with overcoming challenges

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Life is never smooth. It’s like a roller coaster ride. We come across many ups and downs in our lifetime. We tend to make mistakes and wrong choices. Something that might be right for you might be wrong for someone else. But we have the power to keep our lives in our control and be the captain of our ship. And to sail through the tough times, we must communicate.

Be expressive

The first and foremost thing to sail through the tough times is to express your feelings. Think of a glass of water, which is full to the top, if we keep on adding more water. The water will eventually spill out. Emotions behave similarly. Avoiding how you feel and building up negative feelings will ultimately lead to bad and unhealthy mental health.

Address your issues

And we tend to run away from feelings as a defence mechanism, eventually making wrong choices and indulging in bad habits like alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction etc. To prevent the glass from overflowing. It is essential to address your issues. This will help you keep your head clear, and you will be open to learning from the mistakes you’ve made. Secondly, it is crucial to work on things that are in our control rather than worrying about the things over which we have no control.

Focus on positives and don’t make comparisons

Negative things will only lead to building up anxiety and feelings of anger inside us. It is on us to choose what we focus on. We can go through simple exercises and write down all the things that we can and can’t control, thus helping us decide where to invest our energy. Life is full of experiences, but not every experience can be good. So instead of comparing your experiences to others without knowing their struggle, practising gratitude is the best way to keep negative energies at bay. Because everyone is human, and everyone goes through rough times.

Be your biggest support and have positive people around

Lastly, it is imperative to support yourself, love yourself, and find people in front of whom you can cry and laugh without fear of being judged, and one such person for yourself is you. When dealing with the pressure, we forget to take care of ourselves. And it is crucial during such times to know how to lighten yourself and stabilise your head by exercising, dancing, or pursuing your hobby.