We’ve all had difficult days or situations. It’s an inevitable aspect of life. However, how you react, think, and act during these trying times has a significant impact. With a beneficial set of habits, one’s view on life can drastically improve. Here are 5 lifetimes optimistic approaches towards life that will help you deal with life in a promising way.
It is never late to make a positive change in your life.
“No one can go back in time and start over, but everyone can start today and make a fresh start.”
Robinson Maria
It may feel as though you’ve been on the same path and practising the same behaviours for so long that you’re stuck on your current course indefinitely. But it doesn’t have to be the same way. Before I was 25 (now 34), I didn’t make many positive adjustments in my personal life. And, over the last seven years, I’ve come across thousands of people of different ages — from 14 to 72 – talking about how they’ve lately made a great change in their lives. You might not be able to make any changes to your life.
Make molehills into mountains, not mountains out of molehills.
“You’ve got a problem if you break your neck, if you don’t have anything to eat if your house is on fire.” Everything else is a bother.”
Robert Fulghum
It’s all too simple to let your thoughts spiral out of control. Allowing them to grow from a single concept or scenario into a large entity in your mind.
So, what are your options?
The following is a thoughtful combination that has helped break this habit:
- Declare an immediate halt. If you’ve read the blog on self-esteem, you’ll notice that frequently discussed employing a stop-word or phrase. This is also effective for boosting optimism.
- In this scenario, it simply means that as soon as you realise you’re making a mountain out of a molehill, you mentally declare or cry STOP! or something like that. I usually say, “No, no, no, we’re not going down that road again.”
- Extend your horizons. After using my stop sign, I question myself, “Will this matter in 5 years?” regarding the imagined problem. How about 5 weeks? Almost always, the answer is no. And my thinking has returned to being more relaxed, calm, and level-headed.
- Find a more constructive method to look at your problems.Life’s problems aren’t all molehills (or made out of the air).And these more significant obstacles tend to draw you down.However, looking at them in a positive light can still be painful. On the other hand, they tend to hurt a lot less and can even be a source of hopeful joy.
- Focus on baby steps moreEmphasise what you can do to improve your position and get started. Not on constantly questioning why anything bad happened to you or why you failed. That will only breed pessimism and a sense of powerlessness.Instead, consider what one tiny step you can do today to start moving forward and improve your circumstances.Today, take that one small step. Then there’s another one the next day. Small steps build up rapidly and, as previously stated, breed confidence and optimism, allowing you to take more and bigger moves. Improve on what you can do to improve your position and get started. Not on constantly questioning why anything bad happened to you or why you failed. That will make things worse.
Learn how to manage and lessen your worries.
Worries can be quite harmful.
However, the majority of the things you fear will never happen. They’re only dreams or monsters you’ve created in your head. And if they do occur, they will almost always be less painful and unpleasant than you anticipated. Worrying is, most of the time, a waste of your time here.
What has worked for many is a similar combination to the one that As mentioned above? First use stop phrase: No, no, no, we are not going down that road again.
I know this is easy to say.